Eduardo Rivera López
BA in Philosophy at the University of Buenos Aires (1989) and PhD in Political Science (University of Mainz, Germany, 1994). Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt (1998-1999; 2012; 2015; 2019) and John Simon Guggenheim (2002-2003) foundations, as well as H.L.A. Hart Fellow at the University of Oxford (2011). He has published books in Germany, Spain, Mexico and Argentina, among them: Los presupuestos morales del liberalismo (The Moral Assumptions of Liberalism, 1997, Centro de Estudios Constitucionales de Madrid), Ensayos sobre liberalismo y comunitarismo (Essays on Liberalism and Communitarianism, 1999, Fontamara), Ética y trasplantes de órganos (Ethics and Organ Transplants, 2001, UNAM and FCE), Preguntas de vida o muerte. Diez ensayos de bioética (Questions of Life or Death. Ten essays on Bioethics, 2011, Marcial Pons), and (as editor) Controversies in Latin American Bioethics (2019, Springer). Author of numerous articles in international Philosophy journals, such as Pacific Philosophical Quarterly, Bioethics, Journal of Applied Philosophy, Philosophy & Phenomenological Research, Journal of Value Inquiry, Law & Philosophy, Utilitas, Ratio, and Journal of Medical Ethics. He is currently research professor at the Torcuato Di Tella University and independent researcher at the CONICET. His field of study includes theoretical ethics, bioethics and political philosophy.
Luz María Pagano
Graduate attorney from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA), specialized in Family Law. Former Legal Curator at the National Public Defender’s Office. Admitted member of the Human Rights Institute of the Argentinian Notarial University. Honorary member of the Bioethics Committee of the INCUCAI (National Institute for Excisions and Implants, 2010/2017). Postgraduate lecturer at the Law Schools of the UBA and the UNS (Southern National University), and guest lecturer in different courses at national universities. Author of over 130 publications on mental health, family law and bioethics. Co-author of the book Salud Mental en el Derecho de Familia (Mental Health in Family Law) and of the addendum La salud mental desde la óptica de la ley 26.657 (Mental Health from the perspective of Law 26.657). Speaker in several round table discussions, conferences and congresses on mental health and disability, bioethics and domestic violence. Permanent contributor to the magazine Derecho de Familia (Family Law), published by Abeledo-Perrot.
Mabel Alicia De los Santos de Peyrano
Graduate attorney and doctoral student at the University of Buenos Aires (UBA). Undergraduate and graduate professor of Civil Procedure Law at the UBA Law School and Professor at the Province of Buenos Aires Council of the Magistracy Judicial School. Former member of the National Civil Court of Appeals of Buenos Aires City, M Chamber. Co-drafter of the Model Family Procedural Code of the City of Buenos Aires, at request of the city’s Council of the Magistracy. Member of the projected National Code of Civil and Commercial Procedure drafting committee, created by Resolution 2017-496-APN-MJ of the National Ministry of Justice, as well as the Expert Committee drafting the Bases for the Reform in Family Procedure Rules, within the framework of the “National Strategy for the Reform of Civil Justice” (Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, no. 829-E/2017, BO, 11/1/2007). She was part of the Technical Advisory Board to the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and South Atlantic Islands Committee for the Reform of Civil, Commercial, Labor, Rural and Mining Procedure Code. She belongs to the Argentinian Association of Procedural Law, the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law and the International Association of Procedural Law and is a member of the Women’s Network for Justice. President of the Ateneo de Estudios Procesales Dr. Lino Palacio (Lino Palacio Center of Procedural Studies) in the City of Buenos Aires. She is the author of nearly a hundred articles and co-author of twenty books and collective works on Civil and Constitutional Procedural Law.
Gabriela Szlak
Bio available soon.