Asociación por los Derechos Civiles
ADC is a civil society organization based in Argentina that, since its foundation in 1995, works to defend and promote of civil and human rights in Argentina and Latin America.
Last May 15-16, ADC was invited to participate in the Global CBPR Forum, Spring 2024 Workshop: Taking Off!, in Tokyo...
On December 5 and 6, the Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (Association for Civil Rights - ADC) attended an...
With the attendance of more than thirty experts from ten different countries, the Association for Civil Rights (ADC)...
The Executive Director of the Association for Civil Rights (ADC), Valeria Milanes, has been appointed to the Policy...
On Wednesday, October 11, the Association for Civil Rights (ADC) organized a virtual conversation where specialists...
The Association for Civil Rights (ADC) collaborated with the working groups for RITE’s new Data Privacy Module...
ADC’s executive director, Valeria Milanes, participated in the ceremony dedicated to the Ibero-American Data...
The Asociación por los Derechos Civiles (ADC) expresses its deepest sorrow for the death of Dr. Guillermo Moncayo,...
Yearbook 2023
Digital Manifestations of Political Violence in Bolivia
Words that muzzle
Political, Sexual, and Digital Violence in Chile
Evaluating Accessibility and Usability of Higher Education Platforms in the Region
Accessible Virtual Events – Practical Guide
PubliElectoral – 2022 Brazilian Elections
Ensuring the Independence of the Judiciary: The Role of the Magistracy Council
Project Manager